Sro Auto Alchemy Tool

Intensifing shields. Put item and Intensifing Elixir in the alchemy window, click to intensify, if successfully, item will be intensified. Intensifing Elixir(accessory) Intensifing accessories. Put item and Intensifing Elixir in the alchemy window, click to intensify, if successfully, item will be intensified. 5) Ok open up 'My computer' Go to C:Program FilesSilkroad, look for a file called 'sroclient' rename it to something like 'sroclientOLD' or 'sroclientORIGINAL' 6) Keep your C:Program FilesSilkroad folder open, open up your 'bot' folder aswel. Right click the sroclient thats in your bot folder and paste it.

Latest version


SqlAlchemyTools provides similar functionality to Flask-SqlAlchemy & Flask-Migrate without being dependant on Flask.

Project description

SqlAlchemyTools provides similar functionality to Flask-SqlAlchemy & Flask-Migrate without being dependant on Flask.

Install SqlAlchemyTools with pip:

  • Database:
    • Just by instantiating with Database(), SqlAlchemyTools automatically creates the session, model and everything necessary for SQLAlchemy.
    • Works with & without a Flask app with minimal code change
    • Thread safe by using scoped_session
    • Integration with Pandas to allow quick dataframe insertion and retriving queries as dataframes
    • It provides easy methods such as query(), create(), update(), delete(), to select, create, update, delete entries respectively.
    • Autogenerate the __tablename__ as the snake case equivalent on the model name if not explictly defined (not pluralised)
    • It uses Arrow for DateTime
    • DateTime is saved in UTC and uses the ArrowType from the SQLAlchemy-Utils
    • Added some data types: JSONType, EmailType, and the whole SQLAlchemy-Utils Type
    • -> gives you the Arrow UTC type
    • Paginated results
    • Pretty object representation
    • It is still SQLAlchemy. You can access all the SQLAlchemy awesomeness
  • Migration:
    • Inbuilt migration support similar to Flask-migrate
    • Create a file to easily migrate your database
  • ModelFrom:
    • Quickly add all the fields of a model to a WTF form
    • Supports include, exclude, only
  • Quick Overview:
    • Database
    • Migration


Create the model

Retrieve all records

Create new record

Get a record by primary key (id)

Update record from primary key

Update record from query iteration

Delete a record

Query with filter

SqlAlchemy Mixins

A number of other very useful methods are provided by the sqlalchemy-mixins library.

The SerializeMixin and SmartQueryMixin are included in the base model by default.


The BaseModel has a default __repr__ to provide a human readable representation of the model object.

The default __repr__ will display ModelName(id=id_value)

If you want to change which columns are displayed by the repr then you will need to set some class variables on your Model.

  • __repr_attrs__: if set to __all__ then all columns (apart from any excluded) will be included in the repr. If only some columns need to be displayed then set this to a list of the column names you want to include.
  • __repr_exclude__: list of the columns you want to specifically exclude if setting __repr_attrs__ to __all__. Primary keys are always included unless explicitly excluded here.
  • __repr_max_length__: the max length of a column value before it is cropped.


Sro Auto Alchemy Tool Download

SqlAlchemyTools handles SQLAlchemy database migrations using Alembic. The database operations are made available through a command-line interface.

Why use SqlAlchemyTools migration vs. Alembic directly

SqlAlchemyTools configures Alembic in the proper way to work with your database whether it is with or without Flask. In terms of the actual database migrations, everything is handled by Alembic so you get exactly the same functionality.


To support database migrations, you need to create a file.

The file can be called anything

Initialise migrations folder

The migrations folder need to be initialise which will contain your database versions:

Create a new migration

Whenever there is a change to the models that you want reflected in the database:

Upgrade database

To upgrade the database to the latest migration:

Downgrade database

To downgrade the database by 1 migration:


To see all the commands that are available run:


Make a Flask compatible version of the WTForms-Alchemy ModelForm

Complete guides for the different modules can be found below:

Release historyRelease notifications | RSS feed

0.1.1b0 pre-release


0.1.0b10 pre-release

0.1.0b9 pre-release

0.1.0b8 pre-release

0.1.0b7 pre-release

0.1.0b6 pre-release

0.1.0b5 pre-release

0.1.0b4 pre-release

Sro Auto Alchemy Tool Kit

0.1.0b3 pre-release

0.1.0b2 pre-release

0.1.0b1 pre-release

0.1.0b0 pre-release

0.0.1b3 pre-release

0.0.1b2 pre-release

0.0.1b1 pre-release

0.0.1b0 pre-release

Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Files for SqlAlchemy-Tools, version 0.1.0
Filename, sizeFile typePython versionUpload dateHashes
Filename, size SqlAlchemy_Tools-0.1.0-py3-none-any.whl (21.5 kB) File type Wheel Python version py3 Upload dateHashes
Filename, size SqlAlchemy_Tools-0.1.0.tar.gz (18.3 kB) File type Source Python version None Upload dateHashes

Hashes for SqlAlchemy_Tools-0.1.0-py3-none-any.whl

Hashes for SqlAlchemy_Tools-0.1.0-py3-none-any.whl
AlgorithmHash digest

Hashes for SqlAlchemy_Tools-0.1.0.tar.gz

Hashes for SqlAlchemy_Tools-0.1.0.tar.gz
AlgorithmHash digest