Portal Stories Mel Ending
Callaghan is also the creator of the popular Portal fan video series, Meet the Cores. Rainbow Core appears at the end of Meet the Cores 2 as a 'next on Meet the Cores' segment, but does not appear in Meet the Cores 3. Rainbow Core as he appears in Portal Stories: Mel. The appearance of Rainbow Core at the end of Meet the Cores 2. The end of AEGIS in 'Mel' could trigger Chell waking up for Portal 2 remotely anywhere in the country. However its more enjoyable to assume 'Mel' is meant to happen in the installation where GlaDOS herself is located. Making It Right, a portal fanfic FanFiction. I'm back again, and I've been playing a fair amount of Portal Stories: Mel, which is an amazing (and free!) mod for Portal 2 on Steam. Check it out if you haven't already! This fic has spoilers for the entire story of the game, so, maybe play the mod before you read this.
- Portal Stories Mel Ending Meaning
- Portal Stories Mel Ending List
- Portal Stories Mel Ending Chart
- Portal Stories Mel Ending Song
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{{bottomLinkPreText}}{{bottomLinkText}}Portal Stories Mel Ending Meaning
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